26:08duration 26 minutes 8 seconds
Best Practices in Mini Lectures
Best Practices in Mini Lectures is part of…
20:50duration 20 minutes 50 seconds
EdTech: Course Copy the Easy Way
Course Copy the Easy Way Part of Tech Tidbits
26:21duration 26 minutes 21 seconds
Cyber-Day Course Planning
This is a webinar from the Center for Teaching…
02:29duration 2 minutes 29 seconds
Pathways to Instructional Excellence Introduction
Wilmington University's Educational…
01:04:36duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Faculty Development Day Fall 2016 Keynote…
Faculty Development Day Fall 2016 Keynote Presentation with Dr. Elizabeth Barkley
Concern over student engagement has become…
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
Welcome to the Center for Teaching Excellence!
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is…