Presented by Dr. Shiloh Andrus, Dr. Johanna Bishop, and Diana
Session Description: In this session, we will consider emerging theories surrounding the topic of inter-generational trauma. Through an introduction to key theorist and their studies, we will explore the origins and transmission of trauma across generations, unraveling its effects on individuals, families, and communities over time.
Medical doctor and author of The Unspeakable Mind, Shaili Jain (2019) states, “Though the science of
epigenetics remains in its infancy, what seems to be clear is that we humans are an accumulation of our
traumatic experiences, that each trauma contributes to our biology and that this biology determines, to
some extent, how we respond to further traumatic events as they emerge in our live.” As we acknowledge
the magnitude of this phenomenon, we will focus on cultivating resilience strategies as a path towards
transformative change. Using current case studies, we will engage in reflective exercises and small-group
discussion to deepen our understanding of intergenerational trauma and the value found in communities
who work towards collective well-being.
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